Labas. - Service Center - kernel-2.6.29-U82x0-
1. Copy dload to SD card
2. Switch off the handset ,then press "Volume Control Upper Key +End Key+ Power Key"
3. Showing successful
4. Remove battery one second ,then power on ,waiting till the OS start up
Normal Download
1: Copy dload to SD card
2: Settings Icon->SD card & Phone storage ->Software Upgrade
How to install
To install the firmware you will need:
A fully charged battery
A Micro SD memory card with more than 256mb of free space.
Then follow the steps below to flash your phone:
Download and unzip the file to a location of your choice on your computer
Copy the files you just unzipped (the ´dload¡ folder and all its contents) to the root directory of your MICRO SD card
Insert your MICRO SD card into the handset
Turn on your phone whilst holding both the End-Call (Red) and Volume-Up keys.
As the update progresses you will see several screens along with a progress bar
Once complete you will see a confirmation screen, and your phone will automatically restart.