O kiek cia tiesos?http://www.symbianity.com/duk/1899-ar-j363s371-telefonas-originalus.html
O antram puslapy neskaitei?
More detailed info. This only applies for phones after year 2004.
Format of IMEI is just like show below:
AA-BBBBBB = Type Allocation Code (TAC)
CCCCCC = Serial sequence
D = Luhn check digit. (or zero if no checks)
From AA: you can know the Reporting Board - example 35 is BABT (British Approval Board for Telecommunications).
Use this to help you decide on a purchase! This is repost of an early memberÿs with a few newer editions:
To find out where your nokia phone was made look at digits number 7and 8 (YY) of your IMEI.
XXXXXX = Type Appoval Code
ZZZZZZ = serial number
A = check digit
10 = Finland also 01 = Finland
20 = Germany
30 = Korea
40 = China
50 = Brazil, USA, Finland
60 = HK, China, Mexico
70 = Finland
80 = Hungary
91 = Finland
There may be more please list by commenting and not grantee about accuracy.
You can always look at the sticker under your phones battery. Its not always correct

sometimes it is MADE BY NOKIA
Good Luck!