bandysiu persidaryt iskart i w660
Įrašyta: Rugpjūtis 29, 2008, 15:58
nelabai kas gavos reik pagalbos gal kas ismanantis gali parsyt man i skype tomasasasas ir padet su tuo se frimware perrasymu buciau labai labai dekingas

pas mane niekaip nepajunge tel prie xs++ raso 17:05:22| XS++ v3.1 (Darwin) Ready !
17:05:22| Executed on Microsoft Windows XP
17:05:32| Attempting to open the interface...
17:05:32| TURN OFF PHONE!
17:05:32| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.
17:05:32| You have 30 seconds...
17:05:38| Baseband ID: 9900
17:05:38| Protocol Version: 3.1
17:05:56| Cannot open ŒýC
17:05:56| Sendinging shutdown signal to phone...
17:05:58| Shutting down...