Šeip manau įmanoma būtų kokį kitą aparatą sukišti į 3310
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3310i wi-fi 

O dabar rimtai:
WAP-enhanced models (3330 and 3350)The Nokia 3330 added an CSD-based[2] WAP capability, animated screensavers, a pinball game named 'Bumper' and phonebook (stored in the phone memory as opposed to the SIM card in earlier models) with a 100 entry capacity to the model. It also has the capability of downloading game packs via WAP (Snake II mazes, Bumper tables, Space Impact chapters). Without true GPRS connectivity the WAP feature proved unpopular and the version was unable to replace the 3310 in the European market.
In addition to the use of the displays, other electronics hobbyists have also used the 3310's casing to contain WiFi spectrum analyzers [4] and other useful devices. Normally the phone doesn't work as a phone afterwards but one workaround is the use of two 4016/4066 quad bilateral switch IC's to switch between one of several modes.
A hack suggested in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was to modify phones to be used as Geiger counters. Some types of Geiger tubes can be modified by the use of a strong permanent magnet to increase sensitivity so that a SBM-10 Russian surplus tube can be used and connected via an optoisolator to the microphone input.