Pajunk prie XS++ ir pakopink logą, pažiūrėk ką xsas rašo apie IMEI, gal tada ką daugiau patarsim. Šiaip tai pas mane IMEI mismatch, todėl kad persidariau į w800i , bet man vistiek puikiai viskas veikia, GDFS backupo paprastai neatstatinėju, atstatinėjau tik vieną kartą, kai bandžiau perdaryt į w810.
xss logas toks
17:30:16| XS++ v3.1 (Darwin) Ready !
17:30:16| Executed on Microsoft Windows Vista
17:31:13| Attempting to open the interface...
17:31:13| TURN OFF PHONE!
17:31:13| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.
17:31:13| You have 30 seconds...
17:31:19| Baseband ID: 8040
17:31:19| Protocol Version: 3.1
17:31:19| Sending db2010_cid00_prodid_p3l.bin...
17:31:19| Applet ID: 061113 1250 ALUCXC125872_COMPACTPRODUCTION_ID_LOADER P3L
17:31:19| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
17:31:19| Activating GDFS...
17:31:19| Phone name detected!
17:31:19| Profiling SEMC phone...
17:31:19| Platform: DB2010
17:31:19| OTP CID: 49
17:31:19| EROM CID: 49
17:31:19| EROM Color: Red
17:31:19| IMEI: 35255701xxxxxx
17:31:19| Phone ID: K750
17:31:19| Region: EMEA_1
17:31:19| CDA: CDA102295/7 R2A
17:31:19| Firmware Version: R1AA008
EROM: n/a <-- va cia man idomu
17:31:19| Ready for operation!
ir setoolo logas
welcome to setool2 lite edition v 1.08
supported DB2010/DB2012 CID49/50/51/52, DB2020 CID49/51/52
Loaded 51 flash descriptors
ChipID:8040,EMP protocol:0301
FLASH CID detected:49
Flash ID check:200D
Flash props sent ok
OTP LOCKED:1 CID:49 PAF:1 IMEI:35255701198444 CERT:RED
MAPP CXC article: R1AA008 prgCXC125952_EU_1_CL
MAPP CXC version: R1AA008
Language Package:EMEA_1
CDA article: CDA102295/7
CDA version: R2A
Default article: cxc125953
Default version: R1AA008
Operator: 000-00
Elapsed:5 secs.
Įrašyta: Birželis 16, 2008, 18:14
flasinimo procesas

18:30:43| XS++ v3.1 (Darwin) Ready !
18:30:43| Executed on Microsoft Windows Vista
18:30:49| Attempting to open the interface...
18:30:49| TURN OFF PHONE!
18:30:49| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.
18:30:49| You have 30 seconds...
18:30:53| Baseband ID: 8040
18:30:53| Protocol Version: 3.1
18:30:53| Sending db2010_cid00_prodid_p3l.bin...
18:30:53| Applet ID: 061113 1250 ALUCXC125872_COMPACTPRODUCTION_ID_LOADER P3L
18:30:53| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
18:30:53| Activating GDFS...
18:30:53| Phone name detected!
18:30:53| Profiling SEMC phone...
18:30:53| Platform: DB2010
18:30:53| OTP CID: 49
18:30:53| EROM CID: 49
18:30:53| EROM Color: Red
18:30:53| IMEI: 35255701xxxxxx
18:30:53| Phone ID: K750
18:30:53| Region: EMEA_1
18:30:53| CDA: CDA102295/7 R2A
18:30:53| Firmware Version: R1AA008
18:30:53| EROM: n/a
18:30:53| Ready for operation!
18:31:38| ~~~~~~~~~~ Custpack information ~~~~~~~~~~
18:31:38| Custpack: APAC_1 (CDA102337/101) (K750)
18:31:38| Generic(non-branded) custpack: Yes
18:31:38| Allowed languages: en, id, ms, tl, vi, zs,
18:31:38| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
18:31:41| ~~~~~~~~~~ Custpack information ~~~~~~~~~~
18:31:41| Custpack: EMEA_1 (CDA102337/1) (K750)
18:31:41| Generic(non-branded) custpack: Yes
18:31:41| Allowed languages: en, pl, lv, lt, ru, et, uk,
18:31:41| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
18:31:44| Sending db2010_cid49red_flash_r2b.bin...
18:31:44| Applet ID: 051207 0928 NPACXC1250165_1_SEMC_COMPACTFLASHLOADER R2B
18:31:44| This is a FLASH loader
18:31:44| Now flashing firmware main...
18:31:44| Flashing e:\se\se\k750 rica021\k750_r1ca021_main_red49.bin
18:31:44| Header type: BABE
18:31:44| 288 flashblocks
18:35:57| Finishing flash
18:35:57| Done flashing
18:35:57| Now flashing filesystem...
18:35:57| Flashing e:\se\se\k750 rica021\k750_r1ca021_fs_emea_1_red49.fbn
18:35:57| Header type: BABE
18:35:57| 161 flashblocks
18:38:11| Finishing flash
18:38:12| Done flashing
18:38:12| Sending db2010_cid49red_cs_p3t.bin...
18:38:14| Applet ID: 070417 1739 NPACXC1327364_COMPACT_SEMC_CS_LOADER__P3T
18:38:14| This is a CHIPSELECT loader
18:38:14| Activating loader...
18:38:14| Activating GDFS...
18:38:15| This loader is UNLOCKED
18:38:15| Success! CS-loader has been unlocked!
18:38:15| Uploading customization files to phone...
18:38:15| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/C3_PCA_G3v2.cer...
18:38:15| Activating filesystem
18:39:10| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:10| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:10| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/C3_PCA_G3v2.cer
18:39:10| Deleted...OK!
18:39:10| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/C3_PCA_G3v2.cer
18:39:11| Done uploading
18:39:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/ Root Certificate.cer...
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:11| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/ Root Certificate.cer
18:39:11| Deleted...OK!
18:39:11| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/ Root Certificate.cer
18:39:11| Done uploading
18:39:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/Entrust.net_WTLS_Root_Certificate.wcrt...
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:11| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/Entrust.net_WTLS_Root_Certificate.wcrt
18:39:11| Deleted...OK!
18:39:11| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/Entrust.net_WTLS_Root_Certificate.wcrt
18:39:11| Done uploading
18:39:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/GTE_CyberTrust_Root.cer...
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:11| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/GTE_CyberTrust_Root.cer
18:39:11| Deleted...OK!
18:39:11| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/GTE_CyberTrust_Root.cer
18:39:11| Done uploading
18:39:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/GTE_Cybe_Trust_Root_WTLS.wcrt...
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:11| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/GTE_Cybe_Trust_Root_WTLS.wcrt
18:39:11| Deleted...OK!
18:39:11| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/GTE_Cybe_Trust_Root_WTLS.wcrt
18:39:11| Done uploading
18:39:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/Root.cer...
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:11| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/Root.cer
18:39:11| Deleted...OK!
18:39:11| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/Root.cer
18:39:11| Done uploading
18:39:11| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/SEMC_E2E_Root_CA.crt...
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:11| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:11| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/SEMC_E2E_Root_CA.crt
18:39:11| Deleted...OK!
18:39:11| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/SEMC_E2E_Root_CA.crt
18:39:12| Done uploading
18:39:12| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/ThawtePremium.der...
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:12| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/ThawtePremium.der
18:39:12| Deleted...OK!
18:39:12| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/ThawtePremium.der
18:39:12| Done uploading
18:39:12| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/ThawteServerCA.cer...
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:12| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/ThawteServerCA.cer
18:39:12| Deleted...OK!
18:39:12| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/ThawteServerCA.cer
18:39:12| Done uploading
18:39:12| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/Utiroot.cer...
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:12| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/Utiroot.cer
18:39:12| Deleted...OK!
18:39:12| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/Utiroot.cer
18:39:12| Done uploading
18:39:12| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/VeriSignClass3Root.cer...
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:12| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/VeriSignClass3Root.cer
18:39:12| Deleted...OK!
18:39:12| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/VeriSignClass3Root.cer
18:39:12| Done uploading
18:39:12| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/Verisign_Class_3_CA_WTLS.wcrt...
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:12| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/Verisign_Class_3_CA_WTLS.wcrt
18:39:12| Deleted...OK!
18:39:12| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/Verisign_Class_3_CA_WTLS.wcrt
18:39:12| Done uploading
18:39:12| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_HOOK.itm...
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:12| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:13| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:13| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_HOOK.itm
18:39:13| Deleted...OK!
18:39:13| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_HOOK.itm
18:39:13| Done uploading
18:39:13| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_PICTURES_HOOK_3.itm...
18:39:13| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:13| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:13| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:13| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_PICTURES_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:13| Deleted...OK!
18:39:13| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_PICTURES_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:13| Done uploading
18:39:13| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_SOUNDS_HOOK_3.itm...
18:39:13| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:13| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:13| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:13| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_SOUNDS_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:13| Deleted...OK!
18:39:13| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_SOUNDS_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:13| Done uploading
18:39:13| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_THEMES_HOOK_3.itm...
18:39:13| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:13| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:13| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:13| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_THEMES_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:13| Deleted...OK!
18:39:13| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_THEMES_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:14| Done uploading
18:39:14| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_VIDEOS_HOOK_3.itm...
18:39:14| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:14| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:14| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:14| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_VIDEOS_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:14| Deleted...OK!
18:39:14| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/FM_VIDEOS_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:14| Done uploading
18:39:14| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/GAMES_HOOK_3.itm...
18:39:14| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:14| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:14| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:14| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/GAMES_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:14| Deleted...OK!
18:39:14| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/GAMES_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:14| Done uploading
18:39:14| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_RINGTONE_HOOK_3.itm...
18:39:14| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:14| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:14| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:14| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_RINGTONE_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:14| Deleted...OK!
18:39:14| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_RINGTONE_HOOK_3.itm
18:39:15| Done uploading
18:39:15| Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/customize.xml...
18:39:15| Creating directory /tpa
18:39:15| Creating directory /tpa/preset
18:39:15| Creating directory /tpa/preset/custom
18:39:15| Deleting file /tpa/preset/custom/customize.xml
18:39:15| Deleted...OK!
18:39:15| Uploading file /tpa/preset/custom/customize.xml
18:39:15| Done uploading
18:39:15| Uploading /files_to_upload to phone...
18:39:15| Sending shutdown command to phone...
18:39:15| Customizing was SUCCESSFUL!
18:39:15| Disconnecting phone...
18:39:15| You may now unplug your phone.
18:39:15| Flashing was successful
18:39:17| Disconnected... Unplug the phone