Hmm kazkas blogai
18:39:33| XS++ v3.1 (Darwin) Ready !
18:39:33| Executed on Microsoft Windows XP
18:39:59| Attempting to open the interface...
18:39:59| TURN OFF PHONE!
18:39:59| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.
18:39:59| You have 30 seconds...
18:40:07| Baseband ID: 8040
18:40:07| Protocol Version: 3.1
18:40:07| Sending db2010_cid00_prodid_p3l.bin...
18:40:07| Applet ID: 061113 1250 ALUCXC125872_COMPACTPRODUCTION_ID_LOADER P3L
18:40:07| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
18:40:07| Activating GDFS...
18:40:08| Phone name detected!
18:40:08| Profiling SEMC phone...
18:40:08| Platform: DB2010
18:40:08| OTP CID: 49
18:40:08| EROM CID: 49
18:40:08| EROM Color: Red
18:40:08| IMEI: 35945701xxxxxx
18:40:08| Phone ID: W810
18:40:08| Region: BALTIC
18:40:08| CDA: CDA102555/1 R9A
18:40:08| Firmware Version: R4DB005
18:40:08| EROM: n/a
18:40:08| Ready for operation!
18:40:11| ~~~~~~~~~~ Custpack information ~~~~~~~~~~
18:40:11| Custpack: EUROPE_1 (CDA102494/108) (W810)
18:40:11| Generic(non-branded) custpack: Yes
18:40:11| Allowed languages: en, pt, es, fr,
18:40:11| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
18:40:34| Sending db2010_cid49red_flash_r2a003.bin...
18:40:34| Applet ID: 060718 0842 LIE_DB2010_FLASHLOADER_R2A003_CXC1326738
18:40:34| This is a FLASH loader
18:40:34| Now flashing firmware main...
18:40:34| Flashing c:\xxxxx\xxxxx\w810i\xs++3.1\w810_cda102555_1_r2a_generic_baltic\
18:40:34| Header type: Unknown/damaged
18:40:39| Error: Flashing failed
18:40:39| Disconnected... Unplug the phone
18:40:45| Shutting down...
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