sveiki turiu k750, turiu su jo tokia problema, ekrane rodo tik balta spalva, maniau cia softe problema, bet parasiau tas pats, pagal leidziamus garsus jis veikia tik vat ekranas nerodo, nesuprantu kas cia atsitiko, gal kas padet galietu
22:35:14| Profiling SEMC phone...22:35:14| Platform: DB202022:35:14| OTP CID: 4922:35:14| EROM CID: 4922:35:14| EROM Color: Red22:35:14| IMEI: 35399601xxxxxx22:35:14| Phone ID: K80022:35:14| Region: EUROPE_422:35:14| CDA: CDA102568/13 R5A22:35:14| Firmware Version: R1ED00122:35:14| EROM: R3A01622:35:14| Ready for operation!22:35:18| User chose NOT to update EROM CID!
Citata iš: defay Gegužės 12, 2009, 10:3922:35:14| Profiling SEMC phone...22:35:14| Platform: DB202022:35:14| OTP CID: 4922:35:14| EROM CID: 4922:35:14| EROM Color: Red22:35:14| IMEI: 35399601xxxxxx22:35:14| Phone ID: K80022:35:14| Region: EUROPE_422:35:14| CDA: CDA102568/13 R5A22:35:14| Firmware Version: R1ED00122:35:14| EROM: R3A01622:35:14| Ready for operation!22:35:18| User chose NOT to update EROM CID!W800_R1BD001_EMEA1_RED49.rar jei pastave w800i, i K800i neirasyis w800 softo.. arba akza jau cia pridirbes esi..
* Dabar atsidarykite XS++ programos katalogą ir jame sukurkite own_custpack katalogą. Į jį įkelkite Customize failus tokia tvarka: tpa/preset/custom/. Paskutiniame kataloge custom įkelkite visus reikalingus failus. Kitais atvejais tokie katalogai jau bus sukurti, todėl perkelkite tą tpa katalogą tiesiai į own_custpack. * Pažymėkite varnelę ant "Customize File System", tada pasirinkite "Own custpack" ir "Don't upload SE WAP links". Kai kuriems modeliams "Own custpack" nebūtinas, nes programa turi savyje reikalingus Customize. Sakykim pasirinkus K750, reikia rinktis EMEA_1 kad būtų lietuvių kalba telefone. Kitiems modeliams gali būti BALTIC. Taigi prieš įkeldami tpa failus, pasižiūrėkite ar programa kartais neturi jau Jums reikalingo Customize. Pasirinkus kiekvieną Customize tipą, programa savo lange mėlynai parodys tekstą, kuriame turite ieškoti lt kodo, lietuvių kalba.
Nuo cia man jau neaisku.. "Dabar atsidarykite XS++ programos katalogą ". Cia kur yrasita XS++ programa?tada pasirinkite "Own custpack" - kur cia pasirinkti ? programa savo lange mėlynai parodys tekstą, kuriame turite ieškoti lt kodo, lietuvių kalba. - Kiek rinkausi, neiviename nebuvo LT ...
18:36:43| 18:36:43| Sending db2020_cid01_prodid_p3j.bin...18:36:43| Applet ID: 070129 0950 NGUCXC1250330_DB2020_PRODUCTIONIDLOADER_P3J18:36:43| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader18:36:43| 18:36:43| Sending db2020_mem_patcher_cid49_r2a006.bin...18:36:44| Applet ID: 061205 1523 HANCXC9876543210_DB2020_MEM_PATCHER_R2A006 018:36:44| This is a MEM_PATCHER loader18:36:44| 18:36:44| Sending db2020_cid49red_flash_r2a001.bin...18:36:44| Applet ID: 060721 1022 HANCXC1329129_DB2020_FLASHLOADER_R2A00118:36:44| This is a FLASH loader18:36:44| Now flashing firmware main...18:36:45| Flashing c:\documents and settings\masteruser\desktop\xs++\w800_r1bd001_main_eu_1_ca9.bin18:36:45| Header type: BABE18:36:45| 291 flashblocks18:36:45| Binary acknowledge failed with: 8918:36:45| Failed18:36:45| Binary acknowledge failed with: 6818:36:46| Command: Error 0x6818:36:46| Failed sending flashblock 1. Returnvalue 0xD0022D0018:36:46| Finishing flash18:36:46| Binary acknowledge failed with: 0218:36:46| Failed18:36:46| Failed
22:35:14| OTP CID: 4922:35:14| EROM CID: 4922:35:14| EROM Color: Red22:35:14| IMEI: 35399601xxxxxx22:35:14| Phone ID: K800
tai kad as rusiskai nesuprantu , numesk bent linkus is tu vebu kad tikslus download butu
10:51:28| XS++ v3.1 (Darwin) Ready !10:51:28| Executed on Microsoft Windows XP10:51:37| 10:51:37| Attempting to open the interface...10:51:37| 10:51:37| TURN OFF PHONE!10:51:37| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.10:51:37| You have 30 seconds...10:51:37| 10:51:41| Did not receive 0x5a. Continuing10:52:13| Sorry, your phone is NOT SUPPORTED10:52:13| Sendinging shutdown signal to phone...10:52:15| Shutting down...10:52:20| XS++ v3.1 (Darwin) Ready !10:52:20| Executed on Microsoft Windows XP10:52:33| 10:52:33| Attempting to open the interface...10:52:33| 10:52:33| TURN OFF PHONE!10:52:33| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.10:52:33| You have 30 seconds...10:52:33| 10:52:37| Baseband ID: 804010:52:37| Protocol Version: 3.110:52:37| NEW SECURITY PHONE DETECTED! SWITCHING...10:52:37| Phone name detected!10:52:37| 10:52:37| Profiling SEMC phone...10:52:37| Platform: DB201010:52:37| OTP CID: 5110:52:37| EROM CID: 5310:52:38| EROM Color: Red10:52:38| IMEI: 35735401xxxxxx10:52:38| Phone ID: W20010:52:38| Region: BALTIC10:52:38| CDA: CDA102737/1 R1A10:52:38| Firmware Version: R4GB00110:52:38| EROM: n/a10:52:38| Ready for operation!10:53:45| ~~~~~~~~~~ Custpack information ~~~~~~~~~~10:53:45| Custpack: AMERICA_2 (CDA102460/101) (K510)10:53:45| Generic(non-branded) custpack: Yes10:53:45| Allowed languages: en, pb, xl, 10:53:45| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10:54:25| Sorry, your phone is NOT SUPPORTED10:54:25| Error: Cannot send flash loader10:54:25| Error: Flashing failed10:54:27| Disconnected... Unplug the phone10:54:38| Shutting down...