Dėkoju Wyshniuk už nuorodą. Bet man nesiseka. Užsiknisau su tuo nokia-vid-player. Instaliavau su MOBILedit'u, paskui su NOKIA PC suite - nieko nesigauna kol kas - "programos klaida" rašo. Bet dar paeksperimentuosiu ir duosiu žinot, jei pasiseks.
This script uses ffmpeg and mencoder to split the source video in fixed-length chunks and encode it into a 240x320 rotated MPEG4 file, normalizing the volume. It puts the chunks in the current folder, with vid-0000.mp4 names, and a tmp.avi file which is an intermediate version.
The player is hardcoded to look in the device's MicroSD like this:
* MicroSD card (E
* E:\video
* E:\video\<video1>
* E:\video\<video1>\<video1-file1>, ..., E:\video\<video1>\<video1-filen>
* E:\video\<video2>
* E:\video\<video2>\<video2-file1>, ..., E:\video\<video2>\<video2-filem>
You have to copy the vid.jar and vid.jad files somewhere in the mobile's memory. There, you should give access rights to the application:
* Select the "vid Midlet Suite" entry in "My Items" folder
* Choose "Options"
* Choose "Application Access"
* Choose "Data access"
* Choose "Add and edit data"
* Choose "Ask Every Time"
After this, open the application. It should ask for access rights a few times (once for each video folder) and start playing the first video. You can use the phone's keys to control the application:
RMB HUP 3 6 9 #
LMB CALL 1 4 7 *
The following functionality is available:
* HUP: Quit
* UP/DOWN: previous/next folder
* LEFT/RIGHT: previous/next video (rewind/fast-forward)
* FIRE: play/pause
* 1-9: jump to 0%..100% in folder
* #: maximum volume
* 0: increase volume
* *: decrease volume
Atsiprašau už ilgą tekstą (nukopijavau iš forumNOKIA ir įmečiau - gal kam pravers), bet pagaliau sureguliavau plejeriuką ir programa pasileido - kol kas filmukų dar "nepakūriau", palieku tai kitai dienai. Einu gult. Bai bai