Autorius Tema: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai  (Skaityta 33522 kartus)

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Neprisijungęs Wyshniukas

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Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #21 Įrašytas: Vasario 18, 2006, 12:33 »
Siemens (Siemens-BenQ) EL71 NUOTRAUKOS
  • iPhone 8 256GB

Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

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Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #22 Įrašytas: Kovo 01, 2006, 18:43 »
Įdomi foto. BQS s88 ir SE k750i ekranu sulyginimas...

o štai
nedidelis s88 ir p50 testas. Kalbama vien apie išvaizda, bet paskaityti ir pažiūrėti foto visai įdomu.

Naujiena apie BenQ mobile:

Dar daygiau EL71 foto:
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: Kovo 02, 2006, 08:28 sukūrė CRONUS »
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
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Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
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Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #23 Įrašytas: Kovo 02, 2006, 15:02 »
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: Kovo 02, 2006, 17:31 sukūrė asas »
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
Ir užlipsi ant baimes, kaip ant sprogmens tamsumoje..

Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
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Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #24 Įrašytas: Kovo 04, 2006, 16:32 »

  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
Ir užlipsi ant baimes, kaip ant sprogmens tamsumoje..

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Neprisijungęs Wyshniukas

VIP narys
Įrašai: 7496 | Karma: +255/-0 | Lytis: Vyras
24 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Wyshniukas
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #25 Įrašytas: Kovo 04, 2006, 17:25 »
O kas cia per paskutinis modelis? Kaip suprantu cia jau multimedia kazkoks grotuvas :)
  • iPhone 8 256GB

Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
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Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #26 Įrašytas: Kovo 04, 2006, 17:42 »
na, čia dvb - h device... kiek supratau tai turi jis operacinę sistėma, tv tiunerį, 240*320 pikselių ekraną. Manau per CeBIT sužinosim daugiau.
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
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Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
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Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #27 Įrašytas: Kovo 06, 2006, 14:29 »
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
Ir užlipsi ant baimes, kaip ant sprogmens tamsumoje..

Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
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Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #28 Įrašytas: Kovo 06, 2006, 22:41 »
tai online vertimas

S68 test report
as collecting main Meilows outstanding arranged layout served

So now finally I may hold it in hands...

As the first expects one the Siemens typical from the size cardboard, which comes along however now easily modified in BenQ Siemens look.
I.e. one sees now many lila in the same Look as on www.benq the homepage.

The packing contains:
- BenQ Siemens S68 Brushed aluminum/FRG Retail software version 20
- standard European Union battery charger
- Akku (660mAh)
- operating instructions + Quick start Guide
CD Rome with Phone manager and Businesses applications andren

obvious novelty/changes
new nano- Lumberg Schnitstelle, new menu Design with 12 symbols

So after one could admire the S68 in the packing by the transparency foil, and it looks very wertig gehts now to to unpack.
After the Akku was used and the associated cover was fastened can it loose-go.
For users those repeatedly your Sim maps change, should add one directly that these regard the Akkudeckel best before more near around to know where the taps into mobile phone reach.
This erleichert opens nevertheless uncommonly =)
When first turning on the starting assistant comes, and it should be deposited Uhzeit as well as date with time belt.
When this had happened, my S68 remained only suspiciously for a long time coming to a hold, I thought already again oh no please not the same tragedy, as with fatal nose alla the S75/SL75 Erstlieferung.
Note: Thus have calmly with first to start the something
Patience, and give to the part somewhat more time. Because which lasts for a long time becomes finally well.
The part should come probably uerspruenglich as MC75 on the market, still recognizes one into the Firmareabfrage. There it spends itself in the field Basline as MC75ipx

Housing, processing:
The S68 leaves a very noble, stable and all also wertigen impression. The complete front consists the back bowl from wertigem hard plastics of brushed aluminum.
The keys are all together also from a high-quality material, one it for a long time with Siemens did not see.
Whereby I am not safe whether it also Aluminim concern ', that become however surely andre user to still clarify to be able. -)
With its proportions it lies optimally in the hand and might be straight for 6310i user of the ideals Business companion.
Still to it it hardly lays on it absolutely trouser pocket suited by to very thin building method and is, carries by those and thus hardly lays on by the 78,5g.
From the external dimensions it is in approximately comparably with that 6100 of nokia only somewhat flatter, works however due to the missing roundnesses more largely.
Since I today straight again in an electrical specialized market Moto SLVR L6/L7 in the hand had can I say between these two and the BenQ of the processing worlds lie purely.
It is a completely andres feeling the cold metal on the hand to feel...


As the first one should change deas terrible standard Theme of which first is adjusted. Because straight line of the orange bar in the menus smeared nevertheless strongly and lets all super work in a diffuse way.
I thought only "see now abruptly so bad I, or am meanwhile attacked my eyes by the fatigue".
So after now the topic of butterflies is eingstellt, nevertheless already around worlds better out, no comparison foresees too.
The display leaves a very good impression. The used dissolution of 132x176 pixels could be naturally somewhat higher, but by the 256K colors become effective background pictures nevertheless very well. The competition offers there in any case already more, it fulfilled however within the Business range surely its purpose and one can thereby Great SMS write and read, since this 9zeilig is represented.
With MMS it looks no longer optimal completely so, but it is enough for the most necessary.
In order to use the Akku optimal guess/advise I in addition the brightness and the contrast to adjust. In addition one goes into attitude/announcement, and here I adjusted 40% with me equal lighting and contrast 50%, which guarantees still very good legibility.
Additionally I deactivated still EGPRS, and put the function on a Shortcut. If it is nevertheless needed now, I can activate it fast and simply. There I eh with this mobile phone MMS to dispatch and received would not like thus hardly disturb me.


The soft key/listener keys make a stable impression and are very well, even more grobmotoriker might selbige hardly problems prepare.
Same applies also to the remaining keyboard (numeric section) also this makes a very tidy impression, all keys is defined by the gaps well from each other and has so far a pressure point unusually good for Siemens conditions.
Straight one for SMS Vieltipper might be that a clear advantage.
With that 5 ways Navi keys one comes to umgewoehnung more sher well more briefly clearly, no comparison to wobbly Joysticks like you with many mobiles is blocked.
We come to the key lighting, this are still short in white held. Finally also the key field as well as the soft keys are beautifully evenly lit – Pictures of it gibts also still.

Menu structure:

The menu is aufgepeppt complete and has now finally 12 symbols, as there is this with SE already for a long time.
Yes and finally one erhoert flehen many user, one has now simple meaningful however nevertheless stylishe symbols.
It was also genuinly at the time which one connection to the andren manufacturers finds here.
Since it concerns with my test equipment a completely free FRG equipment, the menu with no Branding is ruined.
As to look one can only suspect the Netzbetreiberversinen.
Me has a horror however if I with now the symbols finally succeeded only of t-Mobile/Vodafone variants think must.

Message - contacts - call lists
Mobile box - Organizer - bell
Bell tones - InterNet - plays
Extra - Media pool - attitudes

One can also adjust as with so far nahzu all original Siemens Phones a large opinion, then mine has a lattice menu like one this from many Nokia mobile phones knows.
To me personal however the lattice opinion assures rather, one comes thereby without pedantic leafs substantially faster to the goal.
Naturally the S68 Themes supports, then one can adapt problem-free the optics easily. Which mentions above as, at the beginning directly force necessary is
Icons and menus should be able to be changed also over appropriate Tools.
With the tax cross one comes by clicks upward directly into the profiles, clicks left starts SMS, right goes it into the collecting entrance, and with a movement it goes downward into the address or directory.
One can define these in addition, even under Einstellunge/Hotkeys/Navi keys and under a multiplicity of functions select. Shortcuts for the soft keys to be adapted likewise.
Figure keys leave themselves already like it with with Siemens since eternities course and give are with each erdenklichen Shortcut or in addition, with a call number to anyway almost occupy, then finally times with all manufacturers introduction should take.


Camera does not give it, but I do not have to say I miss these with the S68 absolutely at all.
Because if which is to be taken up gibts with me ne correct DigiCam.
And straight for Businesses people this point could be purchase crucial still also in addition.
Because in Sicherheitssensitiven ranges Camera Phones are unwanted, and who gives already gladly its mobile phone.


From the operation one gets along easily. As with each Siemens one actually does not need to have read guidance, in order to get along in the menu.
All in all it might not be for SE/Nokianutzer large Umgewoehnung, and mobile phone should be quite simple to serve.
And straight by the new 12er menu was verinfacht still so some and/or is still better attainable.
Tabs in the control panels do your remaining to the control comfort.

Akku/language quality/receivings caracteristics:

With the language quality I would settle the S68 very highly as one from most Siemens mobiles also so far was used.
One can understand the interlocutor very clearly and clearly, and comes also on the opposite side well more rueber. The volume is enough in the current form to the X65 series near.
During the discussion this can adjust problem-free by those laterally on the right of appropriate keys (above/down).
Acquit functioned also smoothly, and pleasantly loud.
Over the Akkulaufzeit in the everyday life enterprise naturally momentarily still no statement can be met.
It is indicated from manufacturer side as up to 300h Standby and 300min consulting hour, which might be rather improbable to reach probably however.
One will probably be able to draw closer conclusions only soon.
Of the receipt in the D1 net one can say it on S55 level lies at least. A comparison to the S65 gibts probably tomorrow.
With Eplus I had the whole time one great receipt.
But for this are the Siemens mobiles usually admit been


The equipment no IrDA interface, this surely some painfully however Nokia will had unfortunately miss machts before it go also without.
However it has finally Bluetooth
Syncen should be possible over the provided MPM von BenQ BenQ-Siemens.
I use eh s25@once, probably both program products however to test only tomorrow will however usually be able.
GPRS Class 10 support is so to some extent sufficient for the data practicing rising up, however fun makes if one by UMTS was naturally not really delicate already.
Whereby the part knows also EDGE, juhu, now wirds only time the t-mobile as in some Voertraegen was announced really into Punkto EDGE into the pushen comes. Same applies to all andren German Provider.

Test I to 3.3. in run the daily:
The WAP Browser after WAP 2,0 standard works quite quickly is however naturally in the information flow-rate by GPRS limited. It hands naturally out around small information on the move´ to catch up.
But straight if one UMTS speed is used, must one in this regard surely reductions make.

Office function:

- contacts store address, email address, URL, caller picture, birthday, etc. with several call numbers.
Here one has almost any erdenkliche field, as it will probably so never give with Samsung
-Der Organizer seizes at least 500 note/dates sees also picture in left:
Date storage location
- calendars with daily/week/monthly opinion into which the following functions to be deposited know: Memo/Anrufnotiz/Besprechung/Srpachspeicher/Geburtstag/Urlaub
- task list/calendars including extensive memory functions
- various, personalisierbare profiles (e.g. sound lot, discussion, outside)
- E-Mail Client
further gibts nich the following:
Dictating machine/computer/Umrechner/ COUNT down stop watch date computer currency computer pocket calculator Zeitzonen/Fern Sync
So far I knew only the document Viewer promised from the Datasheet (word, xls, pdf) as well as mobile ZIP yet to discover, evtl is that aud the begelegten CD.


With the S68 BenQ Siemens a very interesting and solid mobile supplies straight with Businesses customers to arrive good might.
Likewise customers might put the besondren value on optics and Haptik with this new however nevertheless quite favorable Phone very well to drive. The display could naturally have offered a somewhat higher resolution, and one may expect naturally also no memory and MultimediaTalent, because on these customers the equipment zeilt surely not off.
But straight in its class would be allowed to do that mobile phone its buyers these
Finally also ' the old user surface was thrown over the hauden, stands for the mobile also well to face.
And straight by the BT-SAP support can one now KFZ Freisprecheinrichtungen use, and is a more than equal competitor to the Nokia 6021.


« Paskutinį kartą keitė: Kovo 08, 2006, 12:27 sukūrė CRONUS »
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
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Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

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169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
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Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #29 Įrašytas: Kovo 07, 2006, 18:39 »
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
Ir užlipsi ant baimes, kaip ant sprogmens tamsumoje..

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Neprisijungęs Wyshniukas

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24 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Wyshniukas
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #30 Įrašytas: Kovo 07, 2006, 20:55 »
Dar nespejau perskaityt viso to review auksciau, bet jauciu bus gana idomu iki galo perskaityt :)

Parasyta bus pristatytas P51 modelis, bet neseniai dar tik P50 buvo :-\ Ar cai taip gaunas kad P50=P51? Taivanijos yra vienos modelis, hmm...idomiai cia :)
  • iPhone 8 256GB

Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
Previously: asas |
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #31 Įrašytas: Kovo 08, 2006, 11:05 »
Dar nespejau perskaityt viso to review auksciau, bet jauciu bus gana idomu iki galo perskaityt :)

Parasyta bus pristatytas P51 modelis, bet neseniai dar tik P50 buvo :-\ Ar cai taip gaunas kad P50=P51? Taivanijos yra vienos modelis, hmm...idomiai cia :)
Kaip supratau tai p51 tai p50 su gps, wm 5.0, 3d garsu etc., na ir dizaino pakitimais, greičiausiai.,2241,hq_en_0_139040_rArNrNrNrN,00.html

Atnaujinti aprašymai
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: Kovo 08, 2006, 18:01 sukūrė asas »
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
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Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
Previously: asas |
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #32 Įrašytas: Kovo 09, 2006, 15:04 »
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: Kovo 09, 2006, 21:15 sukūrė asas »
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
Ir užlipsi ant baimes, kaip ant sprogmens tamsumoje..

Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
Previously: asas |
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #33 Įrašytas: Kovo 10, 2006, 13:41 »
Netikiu savo akimis..eldaras pagyrė BQS....  :o something fushy here...
Gal BenQ jam pagaliau mokėt pradejo  ::)
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: Kovo 10, 2006, 15:02 sukūrė asas »
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
Ir užlipsi ant baimes, kaip ant sprogmens tamsumoje..

Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
Previously: asas |
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #34 Įrašytas: Kovo 11, 2006, 15:26 »
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: Kovo 13, 2006, 19:01 sukūrė asas »
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
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Neprisijungęs Wyshniukas

VIP narys
Įrašai: 7496 | Karma: +255/-0 | Lytis: Vyras
24 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Wyshniukas
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #35 Įrašytas: Kovo 19, 2006, 10:08 »
Labai įdomus interviu su BenQ Siemens atstovu

Man patiko paskutinis sakinys/citata is to review: BenQ-Siemens "has only updated" that consumers always received from Siemens. :D
  • iPhone 8 256GB

Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
Previously: asas |
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #36 Įrašytas: Kovo 24, 2006, 15:00 »
siūlau pažiurėti video, gan įdomūs.
Bet man nelabai patiko BenQ UiQ..
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
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Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
Previously: asas |
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #37 Įrašytas: Balandžio 06, 2006, 16:25 »
BenQ mobile oficialus forumas pradėjo veikti ;)


I've found 2 good news about M-series:

1: All upcoming M Class phones will be resistant to splash water, shock and dust. (from BenQ Mobile Press Portal)

2: Answer by BenQ Mobile Sweden regarding more M-class phones like the M75 (from yesterday):
"We've had great increase in this segment for some time now and hope to follow up this with new models in near future".

I hope this can only mean one thing :)
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: Balandžio 06, 2006, 16:26 sukūrė asas »
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
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Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
Previously: asas |
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #38 Įrašytas: Gegužės 11, 2006, 17:13 »
Dear Sir or Madam,

please be so kind an remove the informations regarding the BenQ Design
Study "Ruby" from you Web Page.

These Information are protected with EU-copyright law. You infringe our
copyright if you leave this information on you web page.

best regards

Christian Hacker

Christian Hacker
BMG CS Security
BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co. OHG
Südstraße 9
47475 Kamp-Lintfort
Tel: +49 (2842) 95-4680
Fax: +49 (2842) 9592-4680

P.S straiipsnį pašalinau ;D
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
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Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

Straipsnių autorius
Įrašai: 656 | Karma: +60/-2 | Lytis: Vyras
169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
Previously: asas |
Ats.: Nauji BenQ-Siemens modeliai
« Atsakymas #39 Įrašytas: Birželio 25, 2006, 14:31 »

Į tinklą papuolę dar nepaskelbto BenQ mobile mobiliojo telefono E81 nuotraukos ir kai kurios charakteristikos.
Modelis gaus 176x220 vaizdo elementų ekraną atvaizduojanti 262 tūkstančius spalvų, 3G (UMTS) ryšio standarto ir Micro SD atminties kortelių palaikymą, o taip pat 1,3 milijono taškų fotokamerą.

 Negaliu naujienos įdėti, kažkokie bugai matyt... ::)
  • Palm Pre, Samsung S5600
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