Autorius Tema: k700 vs. k700i  (Skaityta 4233 kartus)

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k700 vs. k700i
« Įrašytas: Gruodžio 04, 2005, 23:04 »
Kuom skiriasi sitie du aparatai ?

Neprisijungęs Simply_Awake

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169 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Simply_Awake
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Ats.: k700 vs. k700i
« Atsakymas #1 Įrašytas: Gruodžio 04, 2005, 23:11 »
tuo, kad k700 neegzistuoja. i raidelia reiskia europos regiona.
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Neprisijungęs Wyshniukas

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Ats.: k700 vs. k700i
« Atsakymas #2 Įrašytas: Gruodžio 04, 2005, 23:17 »
Citata iš:
The first question from our readers should be raised here. In the review we use only the simplified name K700, though users have maybe seen K700i mobile somewhere and K700c mobile elsewhere… We simplify, but our intentions are good. In Europe you can meet only the international K700 model and the "c" version has been designed specially for China. It has different key printmaking, different fast messaging dictionary and less memory due to the Chinese language support, most likely. So, when we write about the K700 mobile phone in the review, we mean the K700i model.

Jei neskaicius citatos, tai niekuo jie nesiskiria...tiesiog K700 paprasciau pasakyt negu K700i :)
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