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Įrašyta: Gruodis 26, 2010, 21:46
tai va tame ir problem kad neledzia perasyti to softo man.
pas mane rm 217
0546642 va tokio neranda blem
as to telefono ijungti normaliai negaliu nes pastringa, tai ijungiu ir palieku iki tol kol galiu laika nustatineti, tada jungiu usb ir bandau viska. per nokia psl uzlinkdavo tel kai bandziau atnaujinti. lyg viska daro ir normaliai bet poto uzlinksta
va ka meta
The flashing failed. Do you like to retry the flashing?
HRESULT 0x8401f121 (-2080247519)
Flash: Communication with phone is not possible. Unable to detect phone operation mode, cannot continue.