Autorius Tema: DynamicMenuError  (Skaityta 2910 kartus)

Neprisijungęs interactive

Įrašai: 16 | Karma: +0/-0 | Lytis: Vyras
9 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus interactive
« Įrašytas: Rugpjūčio 08, 2009, 12:57 »
Sveiki, i savo w800 cid 49 red per XS++ susimeciau viena meniu, kai ijungiau ir pabandziau atidaryt meniu, ismete "konifuravimo klaida". Tada pabandiau imest orginalu meniu bet tada sugadina fw, perasau fw, tada vel meniu neatidaro... Padekit, busiu dekingas.

12:36:22| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:36:22|  PHONE INFO
12:36:22| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:36:22| DBID: db2010
12:36:22| OTP CID: 49
12:36:22| EROM CID: 49
12:36:22| EROM color: Red
12:36:22| IMEI: 35437701xxxxxx
12:36:22| Phone: W800
12:36:22| Operator: EMEA_1
12:36:22| CDA: CDA102425/38   R1A
12:36:22| Firmware: R1BD001
12:36:22| EROM: n/a
12:36:22| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:36:23| Ready for operation!
12:36:30| Sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_flash_r2a003.bin...
12:36:30| This is a FLASH loader
12:36:30| +++ Now flashing firmware main...
12:36:30| Sending flashfile C:\Documents and Settings\hg\Desktop\W800_R1BD001_EMEA1_RED49\W800_R1BD001_MAIN_EU_1_CA9.bin
12:36:30| 291 flashblocks
12:42:11| Finishing flash
12:47:35| ++ Error: Flashing failed
12:47:35| Disconnected... Unplug the phone
12:47:37| Attempting to open the interface...
12:47:37| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:47:37| Turn off phone
12:47:37| Hold C Button on phone and connect phone.
12:47:37| You have 30 seconds.
12:47:37| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:47:43| Baseband ID: 8040
12:47:43| Hardware Platform: db2010 Marita compact
12:47:43| Protocol Version: 3.1
12:47:43| Sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin...
12:47:43| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
12:47:43| Activating GDFS...
12:47:43| Warning: IMEI name does not match GDFS name (IMEI:NULL GDFS:W800)
12:47:43| ...using GDFS name
12:47:43| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:47:43|  PHONE INFO
12:47:43| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:47:43| DBID: db2010
12:47:43| OTP CID: 49
12:47:43| EROM CID: 49
12:47:43| EROM color: Red
12:47:43| IMEI: 35437701xxxxxx
12:47:43| Phone: W800
12:47:43| Operator: EMEA_1
12:47:43| CDA: CDA102425/38   R1A
12:47:43| Firmware: R1BD001
12:47:43| EROM: n/a
12:47:43| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:47:43| Ready for operation!
12:48:03| +++ Flashing breakin...
12:48:03| Sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_flash_r2a003.bin...
12:48:03| This is a FLASH loader
12:48:03| Sending flashfile loaders\jhf02.bin
12:48:03| 1 flashblocks
12:48:05| Done flashing
12:48:05| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:48:05| Disconnect phone from USB-port and wait for
12:48:05| further instructions.
12:48:05| You have 8 seconds.
12:48:05| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:48:13| Open the battery-cover and reinsert the battery.
12:48:13| Hold C Button on phone and connect phone again.
12:48:13| You have 30 seconds.
12:48:13| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:48:47| ++ Error: FSX failed
12:48:47| Disconnected... Unplug the phone
12:48:53| Shutting down...
12:49:19| XS++ v1.2 Ready !
12:49:24| Attempting to open the interface...
12:49:24| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:49:24| Turn off phone
12:49:24| Hold C Button on phone and connect phone.
12:49:24| You have 30 seconds.
12:49:24| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:49:43| Baseband ID: 8040
12:49:43| Hardware Platform: db2010 Marita compact
12:49:43| Protocol Version: 3.1
12:49:43| Sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin...
12:49:43| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
12:49:43| Activating GDFS...
12:49:43| Warning: IMEI name does not match GDFS name (IMEI:NULL GDFS:W800)
12:49:43| ...using GDFS name
12:49:43| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:49:43|  PHONE INFO
12:49:43| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:49:43| DBID: db2010
12:49:43| OTP CID: 49
12:49:43| EROM CID: 49
12:49:43| EROM color: Red
12:49:43| IMEI: 35437701xxxxxx
12:49:43| Phone: W800
12:49:44| Operator: EMEA_1
12:49:44| CDA: CDA102425/38   R1A
12:49:44| Firmware: R1BD001
12:49:44| EROM: n/a
12:49:44| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:49:44| Ready for operation!
12:49:50| +++ Flashing breakin...
12:49:50| Sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_flash_r2a003.bin...
12:49:51| This is a FLASH loader
12:49:51| Sending flashfile loaders\jhf02.bin
12:49:51| 1 flashblocks
12:49:52| Done flashing
12:49:52| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:49:52| Disconnect phone from USB-port and wait for
12:49:52| further instructions.
12:49:52| You have 8 seconds.
12:49:52| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:50:00| Open the battery-cover and reinsert the battery.
12:50:00| Hold C Button on phone and connect phone again.
12:50:00| You have 30 seconds.
12:50:00| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:50:27| Baseband ID: 8040
12:50:27| Hardware Platform: db2010 Marita compact
12:50:27| Protocol Version: 3.1
12:50:27| +++ Phone has restarted successfully...
12:50:28| This is an unknown loader type
12:50:28| Sending loaders\db2010_cid00_hack_cs_v23.bin...
12:50:32| This is a CHIPSELECT loader
12:50:32| Activating loader...
12:50:32| Activating GDFS...
12:50:33| Checking if loader is unlocked...
12:50:33| This loader is UNLOCKED
12:50:33| Sucess! CS-loader has been unlocked!
12:50:33| +++ Deleting files...
12:50:33| +++ Uploading /files_to_upload to phone...
12:50:33| Upload ./files_to_upload/tpa/preset/system/menu/ to tpa/preset/system/menu/
12:50:33| Activating FS...
12:50:57| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa
12:50:57| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa/preset
12:50:57| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa/preset/system
12:50:57| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa/preset/system/menu
12:50:57| Delete file (cmd 03-04) tpa/preset/system/menu/
12:50:57| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) tpa/preset/system/menu/
12:50:57| Failed sending datachunk. Returnvalue is 0x03
12:50:57| Failed
12:50:57| Done uploading
12:50:57| Upload ./files_to_upload/tpa/preset/system/menu/Thumbs.db to tpa/preset/system/menu/Thumbs.db
12:50:57| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa
12:50:58| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa/preset
12:50:58| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa/preset/system
12:50:58| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa/preset/system/menu
12:50:58| Delete file (cmd 03-04) tpa/preset/system/menu/Thumbs.db
12:50:58| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) tpa/preset/system/menu/Thumbs.db
12:50:58| Failed sending datachunk. Returnvalue is 0x03
12:50:58| Failed
12:50:58| Done uploading
12:50:58| Upload ./files_to_upload/tpa/system/layout/layout.xml to tpa/system/layout/layout.xml
12:50:58| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa
12:50:58| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa/system
12:50:58| Make directory (cmd 03-07) tpa/system/layout
12:50:58| Delete file (cmd 03-04) tpa/system/layout/layout.xml
12:50:58| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) tpa/system/layout/layout.xml
12:50:58| Done uploading
12:50:58| ++ Sending shutdown command to phone...
12:50:58| ++ Customizing was SUCCESSFUL!
12:50:58| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:50:58| Disconnect phone from USB-port and wait for
12:50:58| further instructions.
12:50:58| You have 8 seconds.
12:50:58| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:51:06| Open the battery-cover and reinsert the battery.
12:51:06| Hold C Button on phone and connect phone again.
12:51:06| You have 30 seconds.
12:51:06| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:51:11| Baseband ID: 8040
12:51:11| Hardware Platform: db2010 Marita compact
12:51:11| Protocol Version: 3.1
12:51:11| +++ Phone has restarted successfully...
12:51:11| Sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_flash_r2a003.bin...
12:51:11| This is a FLASH loader
12:51:11| Cannot open breakinfirm\W800_R1BD001.bin
12:51:11| Your firmware doesn't exists in our library.You'll need to reflash your mainfirmware.Done flashing
12:51:11| ++ Disconnecting phone...
12:51:11| ++ You may now unplug your phone.
12:51:11| ++ FSX was successful
12:51:13| Disconnected... Unplug the phone
  • Siemens C55 Nokia 8310 SE Z600 SE k750i/W800 Nokia 5300

Neprisijungęs Puminis

Įrašai: 36 | Karma: +0/-5
5 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus Puminis
Ats.: DynamicMenuError
« Atsakymas #1 Įrašytas: Rugpjūčio 08, 2009, 14:27 »
Turi skype?

Neprisijungęs interactive

Įrašai: 16 | Karma: +0/-0 | Lytis: Vyras
9 kreditai Žiūrėti inventorių Siųsti pinigus interactive
Ats.: DynamicMenuError
« Atsakymas #2 Įrašytas: Rugpjūčio 08, 2009, 16:19 »
jau seip taip sutvarkiau sita  :) dar viena problema metant pachus.. Radau nete ta pacia problema bet nera niekur aiskiai parsyta kaip sutvarkyt.

 Going to execute VKP script....
ChipID:8040,EMP protocol:0301
FLASH CID detected:49
OTP LOCKED:1 CID:49 PAF:1 IMEI:35437701533298 CERT:RED
Flash ID check:890D
Flash props sent ok
Trying to launch embedded bootloader...
Flash ID check:890D
Flash props sent ok
FOUND: R1BD001_CXC1250092_EU_1_CA
Restore from:R1BD001_CXC1250092_EU_1_CA
HDR block not accepted,error:A9
Starting to process VKP patch script: C:\Documents and Settings\hg\Desktop\radiow.vkp
VKP script loaded OK. Lines: 1
Patch structure created OK. Determining blocks to read...
New block #0000 added: $45120000
Blocks selected OK. Reading blocks: 1
Blocks readed to memory OK. Checking contents...
Blocks patched OK. Start writing...
Block 0 written
VKP script executed OK
Elapsed:70 secs.

Ir kiekviena karta po sito reikia perrasyt fw  ::) gal galit paaiskint ka reiskia tas HDR block not accepted,error:A9 ?
« Paskutinį kartą keitė: Rugpjūčio 08, 2009, 16:22 sukūrė interactive »
  • Siemens C55 Nokia 8310 SE Z600 SE k750i/W800 Nokia 5300